1. What is EWS Certificate? Initially, the framers of the Constitution of India made prov…
Dinamani Naik December 22, 20241. Revision Petition for Pre-Settlement Cases Many times a peculiar nature o…
Dinamani Naik November 17, 20241. What is meant by OBCs? OBCs is the acronym for Other Backward Classes. …
Dinamani Naik September 17, 20231. What is Income Certificate? Income certificate is an official statement pro…
Dinamani Naik July 23, 2023What is meant by Resident Certificate? Resident Certificate is proof of permanent resid…
Dinamani Naik May 29, 2023You can register yourself in the eDistrict Odisha as follows: 1. Open the portal ( https://edistrict.odisha.go…
Dinamani Naik April 28, 2023